...The sun is shining here in Antigua, what a delight!! - Going on about three days in a row now, woohoo!!!! I know I haven't written in forever...I've started several blogs but... not finished them :0/ Lo siento!
So I'm gonna try to bullet point so I don't bore you with too much information, but then... I do have a couple sweet pictures to share! :0)
- The rainy season, (hopefully), is about to come to an end!!
- The storm has finally passed after two weeks straight of nasty weather...
- I haven't made it to El Salvador (with my teacher), because it's been dangerous to travel the roads due to all the rain
- This past Tuesday we went into Guatemala City, it was the longest day of my life! ...Traffic to and from the city is just horrible, it's like driving through Chicago during rush-hour, what a dread! But we toured the U.S. Embassy which was fairly interesting, I learned a lot about the U.S. in other countries... then we checked out a school that my friend Cassie will student teach at next semester, and swung by an orphanage before heading home.
- Spanish classes are still going well, some days overwhelming and draining, but... well, it's like a J-term course that never ends... but my ability to speak the language is improving so much!
- This week I booked a ticket, I'll be heading to Costa Rica in a few weeks to spend some time with my friend, Alejandra, who I met while doing mission work in Costa Rica several years back, and I am SO excited to get to spend a week with her && mosey around C.R. once again!
- We are praying that the weather stays nice so we can take our group trip into the mountains this coming weekend, to Panajachel and Lake Atitlan - which is supposed to be SUPER beautiful, so I'm really looking forward to going!
I think that about sums up this past week or so... I have 3 weeks of Spanish left, and we're working over-time in the afternoons, so prayers for my ability to FOCUS would be greatly appreciated. Although I love it here, I superly miss my family and can't wait to be home with them over Christmas! But 8 more weeks, trying to make the best of this opportunity of course... I've been doing lots of wandering && lots of interaction with Guatemaltecans..
Here's a few pics!
Me and Jen made friends with a waiter at Fridas... he made me this flower- hahaha
...but you have to admit, it's pretty sweet so... I resifted it to Marta that night, she loved it! :)

I took this while I was walking the other day... love the colors... and the little buggy on the right is called a "tuk-tuk" it's like a fancy enclosed motor cycle they use here to transport people
And the volcano was just beaUtiful yesterday with a ring of clouds creating a frame around the peak!

And this lovely girl, is who I'm headed to see very soon!!!
(This picture was taken over Christmas in 2006, holy cow, it's been a long time since I've seen her!!)
Tienes un buen día hoy! Mucho amor por todo ;)
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