I got off work a little early today... or rather, I got home a little early because I caught a ride back into Antigua with some friends and so, I thought I'd say HI and share with you about my amazing food friends this week! LOL - If that doesn't make me sound too lame... :oP I found some gluten free, peanut butter cereal on sale at Organica and was so stoked to buy some for my trip this weekend! (Which, I haven't yet mentioned, I'm heading to Semuc Champey, an incredibly beaUtiful place about 8 hours away, and I leave Friday morning! I'd post a sneak-peak picture but, I think I should just make y'all wait for the real thing so... google it if you want, but I have great expectations and I'm super excited!) Anyway, I bought this delicious cereal to take

along for the ride. Also, it's mango season here!!! Yesterday I bought my a bag of 6 mangos in the market for about $1.25 = CHEAP! && YUMM! And since mangos are ridiculously overpriced in the States, have no worry, over the next couple months I will consume enough for us all ;o) I actually just had a mango appetizer and now I better leave, dinner will be on the table at Marta's soon. Glad I had a chance pop in, probably won't post again till the beginning of
next week so, ADIOS till then! Ke te vaya bien!
I love seeing your new pictures, you look awesome Cortney, I love following your journey. Continue to shine for the Lord, your impact is life lasting to all those around you.