Yes, it's the truth, I'm guilty... but I cannot wait to be home with my family for the holidays!! Snow, winter clothing... warm lattes and cafes... most importantly mi familia y mis amigos, I just really can't wait!
Today we're having spa-day with Bev (Paul's wife)... then going to be early tonight because we leave at 4am for Tikal where we will be visiting the grand Mayan ruins for the day! Pray for safe travels in the small plane and... check back monday or tuesday for pictures, i'm sure it's going to be stunning!
tienes un buen fin de semana!!
Oh, and please (for those of you that choose to pray...) Health, yes again, is near the top of my list, not only for myself, but for many people who are very close to mi corazón.. lots of attacks on physical and mental wellness lately it seems... gracias.
Oh! and I almost forgot... but I have a few pics to add to your visual pleasure

Me and my teacher (Elsa) during class the other day... yeah, sometimes I'm ADD... and she just thinks that PhotoBooth is so hilarious!
And I had to post these... I have the cutest nephews in the world, and I miss them like crazy... have to share them with the world all dressed up in their little costumes :)
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