Bummer!! I just had completed all my commenting on the following pictures, went to publish post and... ERROR! :( Shoot!! ....I was writing to say that I was about to post this massive overload of pictures from my trip to Costa Rica because... I've finally found a good wifi connection for a minute and was hoping to get in lots of updates before Ashlie arrives tomorrow! - Ps, yes, my best friend is coming to Guatemala for Thanksgiving and I'm so stoked!!! But anyway, now I'm a little bit short on time so, I'm not going to get to post all that I wanted before dinner, but here's something to get started...
Oh but first, I went into Guat City today with my teacher, her daughter, and another chica that is living with her right now... The city is all decked out in Navidad decorations so, I thought I'd share a little :)

Pepsi Santa says hello

massive tree inside MiraFlores Mall

my teacher and me

and in Santa's sleigh!

Joselin (Elsa's daughter) showcasing the Gingerbread house in Tikal Futura Mall
I CANNOT WAIT to be home with my family and friends for the holidays!!!
I'm even looking forward to the cold... the white!!
Christmas, in the north... steaming hot soy lattes and loved ones... perfect.
Now from C.R.

this is at the end of Ale's street...
the sunset was beautiful this night

And this is Ale's dog perra...
ps- "perra" means "dog" -haha

...she wanted to come back to Guatemala with me...

tuesday Ale and I headed up in to the mountains to relax in some volcanic water

this is what the pool looked like, it was really nice, warm, and good for the skin!

road = "calle"

this pooch I spotted one day while we were driving somewhere and... well there were actually three more poking their heads out too and it was super cute! ...but then I took my camera out and this lame red car pulled up, hiding the others :-/

the streets in this part of town were lined with clothes...

i guess they were promoting some event but... i just thought it looked cool, added color :)

this is ale's house.
from outside the gate..

we look SO much different than we did 6 years ago, don't ya think?!
i had a lovely time in C.R. with Ale and her family, it was a really nice time of catching up and.. well, practicing my spanish lol
(maybe I can get one more post in before dinner)
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