So the other day I was sitting in a cafe with my best friend and this young guatemalan child walks up to me with a shoe-shiner box in hand... he looks down at my (once used to be cream-colored) TOMS shoes as I speak out, "no gracias!" and says, "pero sue zapatos son sucios!" hahaha
Now, this is true but... it's also true that his little shoe-shining kit would do absolutely nothing for my dirty white shoes... so the waitress lady gives him the look and so holding his head down he grabs his box and heads back out into the chill of the night... [how sad]...
I really didn't need a shoe-shine but, that little boy needed to see God's love shine... so.. as if it were an instant heart reaction, Ash and I agreed, we should definitely snag him a cookie. I hollered to him, "Venga!" and he snook back over to me and I handed him the bag... As we walked out to head home we passed him a couple stores down, peaking into the bag and, he looked up with the most joy-filled smile that melted my heart...
I've been thinking about this smile ever since and, decided to share, just because it's so beautiful to think about how, the very very simple things we do... the 5Q, less than a dollar, we may spend, can make the world of a difference in the life of someone else and... likewise, it's in the small things - the simple glimpse of God in you that holds the power to change things... to change people... :)
Now, I have a sneak-peak update, it's been a delightful week having Ashlie here with me, and now I am SO behind in blog-updates with lots to share! (and still some from Costa Rica so...) I'm working on it!! small ps- 11 days and I'll be home, yoo-hoo!

Cerro de la Cruz
(Hill of the Cross)

Best Friends...

BeaUtiful scenery,
camping in the mountains

i heart photography

Volan... Agua (I think!)

OH! And Kirra (my teacher's cat) had kittens Monday morning!!!
Ash and I headed over there for dinner that night and I got to hold them, SO cute... SO small...

Awe, momma Kirra :)


Yes, I love her!
So glad she got to come see Antigua, it was great to have her here!
Also great to have Rachel's mom and friend Jenna last week... we had a terrific traditional Thanksgiving with old friends, new friends, and family :)
Gotta run, will write again soon!! LOVE.
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