4 more days and i'll be home!!!!
*Well, technically 5 till home home, but 4 until we hit the States :)
There's all sorts of lovely Christmas decorations and examples of holiday spirit happening around here... Trees and lights and an even greater amount of firework displays at night ...and during day... and mid-morning... ha - Guatemalans LOVE their fireworks!

This is the fountain in the center of La Union (my school)... how pretty :)

And on my street...

Oh and this isn't Christmasy but... Saturday was Julia (our house-helper)'s birthday so we went up into the mountains to have breakfast and... look how fancy my tea kettle was!!!
Definitely teavanna style, and SO good!

The place we ate at was beautiful and had all sorts of pretty things to look at

One large foot Jesus had...
to complement his very very large heart ;)

Jen. Marta. Me. Estephan (new roommate). Julia (birthday girl!).

And this, I've been wanted to snap a picture of for quite some time...
the horse here have diapers...
poop-collectors, if you will - haha!
But it helps keep the roads clean, so I'm thankful for these

Guate! Guate! Guate!!!
This is a "chicken bus"... but only us northern americans call them chicken busses... These are written about all over the U.S. Embassy website as to be incredibly dangerous but...
Anyway, they're the most practical way to get to and from Guatemala City around here.

Pretty sweet huh?!
So this morning I'm trying to head to the gym then get something productive done around here toward my finals... Still not feeling quite up to par but... Very very excited to head home Friday, so I'm trying my best to finish strong.
Happy last week of school college students!!
*Oh and ps- I know you were wondering about the title... it's German! I decided I want to become trilingual :) It means "an incredible day" and well... I just really like trying to pronounce the word unglaublich... If you need a good laugh today, try looking up some and pronouncing some words in German, it's hilarious, I promise you'll get a good laugh! ;)
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