It's been a crazy past week or so, but we've finally had a bit of free-time this afternoon and finally I can blog with a little more detail...
So we arrived here last week Wednesday, and a team from La Union (the Spanish school here) was waiting for us with signs and love and excitement as we passed through customs. We loaded a bus and drove, about an hour, from Guatemala City to the school in Antigua where we were introduced to our home stay parents and treated to a very delicious lunch!
Since then, we have been doing LOTS of touring, with Paul (an SAU professor who lives here), and also we went on a tour with Elizabeth Bell (an Antigua tour guide and archeologist) yesterday morning, which was terrific! (and I'll post a few pics from that below...)
My home stay mom is so sweet and she takes very good care of us girls - the four of us staying with her. Last night after dinner we went out on the town and it was nice because when you're walking with a Guatemalan you feel so much more safe then when you're purely americans, and, Antigua is BEAUTIFUL at night! It was all lit up in central park and we went to get ice cream together, it was very fun! I was thinking hard to have conversation in Spanish with her and almost ran into a motorcycle one time and a cement overhang the other! haha...whoops!!
This morning we attended church with Paul & Bev at a mix church.. it's not totally catholic, but mixes several traditions and is led in English.. not bad... Now I have broke away from my group for a bit of alone time at el cafe rainbow and am enjoying a freshly blended watermelon juice :0) In a bit we are meeting at Paul's and going to dinner tonight at some fancy place, I'm excited!
En la mañana... clases de español! - I'm ready to start learning again!

these pictures were taken inside this phenomenal hotel here called hotel santo domingo - it's absolutely INCREDIBLE there, pictures can't do it justice!

this is the fountain in the center of central park.
Cortney!! I miss your beautiful face and I want you here!! But I love your blog (especially the design) and all the pictures. Looks like a wonderful place to be and looks like you are LOVING it! Know that we love and miss you =]