FINALLY!!! - I've been trying to post this blog now since Sunday & it's been driving me crazy that my pictures take forever to upload! So my apologies for the massive gap in blog-posting, but I'm working on finding a better solution to uploading and accessing internet, because it's extremely difficult right now at most places, and.. Paul's internet has been acting up ever since the earthquakes down here.
But anyway!... Lots of pictures, last week was full of fun times...

this is mi maestra's cat, Kirra... isn't she gorgeous!?

Monday night (9-19) was Marta's 64th birthday and so we took her out for dinner to this delightful little restaurant here, called Hector's, and her friend Connie joined us as well :0)
The food was stinking delicious! - Probably the best meat I've had since I've been here... and this is our house-mate Kevin from Tennessee...
This is Steve (Estevan) and Deedee who came to visit Marta for a week... Deedee left Sunday and Steve actually this morning but... it was really fun having them, they're neat people!
and of course my other house-mates, Jen, Rachel, and Cassie.

Then last Thursday was Kevin's last night with us, he took off with 6 other individuals and headed down to Honduras where they will be serving in an orphanage for the next 2 years. We like Kevin a lot and miss him already... these decorations we put up on his door in his bedroom the night before he left!
Our little family... (Next to Marta is her helper, Julia!)

Me and Emily next to something Mayan, and ruin-ish in an archeological museum in Guat City

We spent Friday and Saturday in Guatemala City and... for dinner on Friday night, we ate at a super nice restaurant called "Kacao" to celebrate birthdays! - there were 3 last weekend.
This dude wanted a tip for this pic...and his music! haha "propina pro favor!?"

a hecka lot of melted wax
Tres Leche for birthday dessert! :0)

Saturday morning we checked out the Catedral in the city, it was HUGE... I like this pic

On Saturday night we returned home and Marta treated me to a very nice birthday fiesta away from home, featuring mr. smirf! .... and all his candy

And so it's a guatemalan tradition to shove the birthday girl's face in the cake- haha! Look at the look on Marta's face, she loved it!!

Mr. Smirf was residing in mine and Rachel's room but... now he's taken over Kevin's old space but soon... most-likely will be thrown in la basura... He was a good piñata!
And since now it's already half-way through this week... Sunday me and my roommates attended church with Marta, and had some breakfast at Pollo Campero - a KFC type place here in Guatemala, but with pretty good breakfast... then we had group lunch, which is always terrific and in a nice restaurant...
This week has been busy with Spanish learning, and my brain is tired... however during my classes I've been getting out with my teacher, to el mercado (el lunes), y la farmacia (ayer), y hoy el mercado del artesanias... it's been fun and a nice break but... tonight = lots of studying for my exam tomorrow!!
Oh and ps- lost my guatemalan cell phone :o/ But... just maybe, it will supernaturally appear somewhere! :0)
Alright, hope this blog is well appreciated. Sorry again, for such a delay...
Hasta Luego!
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