but also i have more to share, last night the four of us and our housemate, Kevin, were invited to the opening night of art on display at the convent ruins (capuchinas). our house mom, Marta, has 10 pieces in the show and invited us to join her, it was lovely! ...a really great night! ...so here are some pictures, it was really quite a fancy deal... I'm convinced our house mom is like famous LOL
me and my roommate, Rachel (Raquelita)
all of these women had artwork in the show and were on TV-i think-because of it!
me, rachel, cassie, jen, and kevin

Marta, her friend Connie, and one of her pieces of work on the wall in the background.
all of us chicos with Marta in front of another one of her pieces of art
after the event we took a tuk-tuk (a motorbike type thing with a tiny back seat where 3 people can ride) back home... it was fun and a bumpy ride on the cobblestone roads!!
Lastly, here's a video from the other night when we went out to eat and there was a live band there... i really liked their music.. you can't really see them in the video, but you can here them! :)
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